
How to put God first in our life?

There is a great blessing in knowing we need God. When we realize our need for God, we see that He is the source of all truth. (John 17:17) When we realize our need for God, we see that we are born in sin and that He has provided us deliverance and redemption through Jesus, His [...]

August 20th, 2023|Articles, Christian Character and Conduct, God, Faith|Comments Off on How to put God first in our life?

Why did Jesus tell Peter not to use his sword in the garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:52), while in the upper room he told them to make sure they have a sword (Luke 22:36)?

Jesus was a man of peace, who healed the sick and stood up for righteousness at every turn as God’s representative. He carried out his mission perfectly, preaching about God’s kingdom and dying as a ransom for Adam.On the night he was arrested, he told his disciples to buy swords. Some misunderstand this scripture to mean [...]

August 17th, 2023|Articles, Jesus’ Life, Teachings, and Death|Comments Off on Why did Jesus tell Peter not to use his sword in the garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:52), while in the upper room he told them to make sure they have a sword (Luke 22:36)?

Please explain from a biblical perspective, if a married man and an unmarried woman commit sexual sin, are they both guilty of adultery or fornication, or who is guilty of what?

We caution not to get too caught up on the specific legalities of labeling each sin, as both are God-dishonoring and closely related scripturally with idolatry. Generally, fornication is understood to mean sex between people who are not married to each other. Adultery is sex between a married person and someone other than their spouse. [...]

August 14th, 2023|Articles, Christian Character and Conduct, Life Decisions and Doing the will of God, Marriage, Sin and the Permission of Evil, The Holy Spirit|Comments Off on Please explain from a biblical perspective, if a married man and an unmarried woman commit sexual sin, are they both guilty of adultery or fornication, or who is guilty of what?

How do we keep trying when things are hard?

Sometimes we want to be the BEST at everything - RIGHT AWAY! But we soon learn that to reach a goal takes practice, patience and determination. Do we ever give up quickly when we don’t seem to see any progress? Have we ever tried something once, felt bad because it didn’t turn out the [...]

August 14th, 2023|Children's Videos|Comments Off on How do we keep trying when things are hard?

Why is it in Jeremiah, there two pronunciations (spellings) of Nebuchadrezzer and Nebuchadnezzer? Are these two different people?

The two spellings are Nebuchadnezzar, and Nebuchadrezzar -- "n" and "r" different in each case. In Hebrew, these two letters are interchanged from time to time. Thus these two forms both refer to the same person. In the books of 1 and 2 Kings, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, and Daniel it is always with an "n." In [...]

August 11th, 2023|Articles, Bible and Bible Characters|Comments Off on Why is it in Jeremiah, there two pronunciations (spellings) of Nebuchadrezzer and Nebuchadnezzer? Are these two different people?

Did Saul/Paul know about Jesus before his conversion?

Yes, Saul knew of Jesus before his conversion. The Apostle Paul, who was known as Saul before his conversion, was a well-known Pharisee who studied under Gamaliel, a famous Jewish rabbi and a leader in the Jewish Sanhedrin (Acts 2:33). The Pharisees heard of Jesus' activities, and they came up with the plan to kill Jesus. [...]

August 7th, 2023|Articles, Bible and Bible Characters, Jesus’ Life, Teachings, and Death|Comments Off on Did Saul/Paul know about Jesus before his conversion?
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