
What did Solomon ask for himself in presence of God?

2 Chronicles 1:7-10: (NASB) “In that night God appeared to Solomon and said to him, Ask what I shall give you. Solomon said to God, You have dealt with my father David with great lovingkindness, and have made me king in his place. Now, O LORD God, Your promise to my father David is fulfilled, [...]

February 11th, 2024|Articles, Bible and Bible Characters, Christian Character and Conduct|Comments Off on What did Solomon ask for himself in presence of God?

What is Christianity?

The term “Christianity” is an all-encompassing general term that describes the religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, or its beliefs and practices. Christians study the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christians believe God sent His son Jesus, the Messiah, to save the world.Though Christianity is based on the [...]

Do you think God chooses who we are to take a wife or husband? They say there is someone for everyone. If one is living in flesh, is it still God putting those two together? Is every marriage from God?

We would question, who is the “they” who says there is someone for everyone? The concept of a “soul mate” has Pagan origins, traced to Plato’s “Symposium” in which one of the characters Aristophanes tells a “comic, fantastical story about how humans were at one time two people conjoined, but this was seen as threatening [...]

February 2nd, 2024|Articles, Life Decisions and Doing the will of God, Marriage|Comments Off on Do you think God chooses who we are to take a wife or husband? They say there is someone for everyone. If one is living in flesh, is it still God putting those two together? Is every marriage from God?

Why didn`t some people like Jesus?

When he was here on earth, Jesus was a perfect human being. He was humble, loving, kind, and obedient to God. He healed the sick and raised the dead. He willingly came to earth and preached God’s beautiful message of the coming kingdom. He gave himself as a ransom sacrifice to cancel out Adam’s [...]

January 29th, 2024|Children's Videos|Comments Off on Why didn`t some people like Jesus?

Will EVERYONE be saved and not just those chosen by God? If so, could you explain on what basis God judges?

When Adam and Eve disobeyed God (Genesis 3), the punishment of death was applied not only to them, but to all their descendants, meaning every subsequent generation of mankind. Likewise, Jesus’ sacrifice of his perfect human life as a corresponding “payment” for that disobedience applies to all members of the human race back through the generations. [...]

January 27th, 2024|Articles, Church and The Bride of Christ, Judgment, Resurrection, Eternal life and Immortality, Salvation and Ransom|Comments Off on Will EVERYONE be saved and not just those chosen by God? If so, could you explain on what basis God judges?

What is salvation and its importance?

The thought behind the word salvation is to rescue and to deliver.Every human being born in Adam has need of salvation. The death sentence passed upon Adam was because of his disobedience in the Garden of Eden. This death sentence has been inherited by every human being.  Romans 5:12: "Through one man sin entered into the world, and death through [...]

January 20th, 2024|Articles, Church and The Bride of Christ, Future Prophecies, God, Faith, Salvation and Ransom|Comments Off on What is salvation and its importance?
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