Ephesians 4:7: “But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.”

This verse, as with most, is best understood in context. Writing from prison, the Apostle Paul is exhorting his dearly beloved brethren to “walk,” that is, live the lifestyle worthy of their acceptance in Christ by the receiving of the gift of the holy spirit – God’s power and influence in their lives.

The seven “ones” in verses 4-6 show the perfection of the power of God, and then, in verse 7, Paul points out the fact that we only have such spirit as a result of grace.

Grace means unmerited ­– undeserved – favor. We are granted such a favor because we were called and accepted that invitation to be part of Christ’s “body.” Each individual in Christ receives the grace of God to even be in such a favored position, even though each has individual skill sets and talents within the body.

In 1 Corinthians 12:7 and 12, Paul refers to the same concept. Faithful followers of Jesus are granted a measure of God’s holy spirit to bless others, but all in different ways according to their natural talents and opportunities.

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Christian Questions Podcast
Ep.1264: What Does God’s Grace Do For Us?
Defining, applying and profoundly appreciating the grace of God
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