The first death, the death which came upon the human family through the disobedience of Father Adam, extended to every member of the human race. But according to God’s providence, foreknown and fully declared, Christ died for the sins of the whole world; and in due time every member of Adam’s race is to be recovered from that sin and from its death penalty, which for 6,000 years has been upon the race. In other words, as Adam brought mankind under the first death penalty, so Christ will release all mankind from that death penalty and give every member of the race a full and fair opportunity to attain perfection and eternal life. Whoever refuses that favor and opportunity–whoever sins willfully and deliberately against that light, will come under the sentence of death again; and this time it will not be Adamic death, but Second Death. And the difference between the two deaths is that the latter will know no revocation–there will be no second redemption from it and no second resurrection.