
Does God say He will save the Jews?

Yes!The key to seeing the Bible’s harmony is to understand that God has a plan that is currently in progress. Yes, Israel is God’s chosen nation and currently does not believe in Jesus. And yes, Jesus is the son of God and faith in him is the only avenue to eternal life. That means either [...]

December 10th, 2024|Articles, Future Prophecies, Israel, Middle East, Jesus’ Life, Teachings, and Death, Jesus’ Second Advent, Rapture, Salvation and Ransom|Comments Off on Does God say He will save the Jews?

What is "spirit begettal"?

The phrase born again is found in John 3:3: Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. A more accurate translation for born again here is "begotten from above.” It does not describe a second birth; rather, it refers to the changed relationship with God when the power and influence of His holy [...]

December 9th, 2024|Articles, Church and The Bride of Christ, Jesus’ Life, Teachings, and Death, Miscellaneous Bible Questions|Comments Off on What is "spirit begettal"?

What is the message of the true church of Jesus' faithful followers to the world at this time?

There has always been one main criteria for those who seek membership in Christ’s church – to love God with all one’s mind and heart and to love one’s neighbor as oneself (Matthew 22:37-40). Those who truly understand this criteria give up the pursuits and priorities of the society and world in favor of devoting [...]

December 6th, 2024|Articles, Christian Character and Conduct, Church and The Bride of Christ, Church History, False church, Kingdom and the Millennium, Life Decisions and Doing the will of God|Comments Off on What is the message of the true church of Jesus' faithful followers to the world at this time?

Who was Simeon?

Simeon was a prophet who was already old at the time of Jesus’ birth. Luke records, “At that time there was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon. He was righteous and devout and was eagerly waiting for the Messiah to come and rescue Israel. The holy spirit was upon him and had revealed to [...]

December 2nd, 2024|Children's Videos|Comments Off on Who was Simeon?

What is the meaning of Ruth 4:9-12?

Ruth chapter 1 describes how a Jewish man named Elimelech, his wife Naomi, and their two sons travel to the country of Moab. While there, the two sons marry two women of Moab, one of which is Ruth. Sometime after that, Elimelech and his two sons die. Ruth elects to remain with Naomi after her [...]

November 25th, 2024|Articles, Bible and Bible Characters, Miscellaneous Bible Questions|Comments Off on What is the meaning of Ruth 4:9-12?

What does Luke 18:8 mean, "Nevertheless when the son of man cometh shall he find faith on the earth?" (Parable of the Importune Widow)

Jesus was a masterful teacher. He often used stories, known as parables, to convey concepts and lessons in a way that his audience could relate to and apply to their lives. Some parables have multiple levels of meaning depending on the listener’s level of understanding of God and His plan for mankind. Luke 18:1-8 is [...]

November 18th, 2024|Articles, Christian Character and Conduct, God, Faith, Jesus’ Life, Teachings, and Death, Jesus’ Second Advent, Rapture, Parables, Prayer|Comments Off on What does Luke 18:8 mean, "Nevertheless when the son of man cometh shall he find faith on the earth?" (Parable of the Importune Widow)
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