
Matthew 6:15 says "But if you forgive the trespasses of men then God will not forgive your trespasses." Does this have to do with God denying you salvation if you fail to forgive the wrongs your fellow men have done to you?

Salvation became necessary for all people because of Adam and Eve’s disobedience to God’s command (Genesis 3:17-19). Disobedience to God is sin, and sin leads to death (Romans 6:23). Through the sacrifice of his perfect life, Jesus provided a corresponding price for Adam’s disobedience (1 Corinthians 15:21-22). This corresponding price is sometimes called a “ransom” [...]

May 15th, 2024|Articles, Jesus’ Life, Teachings, and Death, Judgment, Kingdom and the Millennium, Resurrection, Eternal life and Immortality, Salvation and Ransom|Comments Off on Matthew 6:15 says "But if you forgive the trespasses of men then God will not forgive your trespasses." Does this have to do with God denying you salvation if you fail to forgive the wrongs your fellow men have done to you?

When we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, will the holy spirit stay with us 24/7?

The holy spirit has been misunderstood by many Christians who believe it to be a person, a third being equal in power and glory to God. But this is not scriptural. A careful study of the Bible shows the holy spirit is the power and influence of Jehovah God. For example, it was God’s spirit [...]

May 12th, 2024|Articles, Christian Character and Conduct, God, Faith, The Holy Spirit|Comments Off on When we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, will the holy spirit stay with us 24/7?

Is there a difference between being spiritual and being religious?

There are many religions in the world, and not all of them follow God or recognize Jesus as the only means of salvation. One who practices a particular religion understands the basic teachings of the religion, and makes some attempt to follow those practices in their everyday lives. Those who are often considered by the [...]

May 7th, 2024|Articles, Christian Character and Conduct, God, Faith, Life Decisions and Doing the will of God, Miscellaneous Bible Questions, Religions|Comments Off on Is there a difference between being spiritual and being religious?

What is pride?

Pride is a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction because of our personal qualities or achievements. In other words, it’s thinking too highly of ourselves, what we have or what we do. Do we post pictures of ourselves online, hoping others will notice and praise us? Do we spend more time thinking about ourselves [...]

May 6th, 2024|Children's Videos|Comments Off on What is pride?

What is generosity?

What is generosity? Generosity is the quality of being kind and generous. To be generous is to show a readiness to give more than what is expected or necessary. God is generous with us. He created a place for us to live - our planet Earth! He put it in just the right spot [...]

April 22nd, 2024|Children's Videos|Comments Off on What is generosity?

How do I know if I am spiritually restored?

For Christians, an appropriate definition of being “spiritually minded” is devoting, or consecrating, one’s life to developing and possessing a mindset that prioritizes God and His word first in one’s life. Our lives are finite, so devotion to a single pursuit will of necessity come at the expense of other pursuits. Further, devotion requires an elimination of [...]

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