The "familiar spirits" are the demons that infest earth's atmosphere, and who are busily engaged in impersonating the dead, representing that they are the spirits of the departed ones, and thus confusing and deceiving many, who have not given heed to the instructions of the Scriptures to the effect that the dead are dead, and will not be alive or conscious until the awakening time in the resurrection. The "wizards" are the mediums who act as the agents of these and mutter and work mysteriously in the dark, in place of working out in the open where all may be clear and plain. The powers of righteousness do not have to labor in the dark and in an underhand way, as they have nothing to conceal. The "hungry" ones are those who have neglected "the law and the testimony"–God's Word–and are giving heed to the doctrines of demons. They are dissatisfied and suffer the pangs of regret and remorse, because there is nothing to satisfy their cravings in the direction in which they are seeking to be enlightened. Theirs is a deplorable condition of darkness and anguish of mind, as they have neglected the only real source of comfort and consolation–the Scriptures.