When did people first call God "Jehovah Rapha"?

There are several names and descriptions given to God, especially in the Old Testament. Each of them gives us a different way to grasp the Almighty’s character. Unfortunately, the Hebrew words that give such insight into the names is hidden when translators simply use [...]

How does Jesus care for us?

It is overwhelming to see how Jesus has cared for us and how he continues to care for us.Jesus is our Precious Savior and loved us so much he was willing to give up everything to surrender to the will of God even to the [...]

Why were the Jews called Hebrews?

The first time the name “Hebrew” is used in the Bible is in Genesis 14:13: "And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Hebrew; for he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol, and brother of Aner: [...]

What is idolatry?

In the Bible, idolatry - worshiping false gods instead of the one, TRUE God - was often a big problem for God’s people, the Israelites. Time and again they witnessed all of the wonderful things He did for them. He delivered them from slavery [...]

In 2 Kings 20:11, we read that Isaiah the prophet cried onto the Lord, and He brought the shadow of the sun 10 degrees backwards, by which it had gone down on the dial of Ahaz. Does this record teach that the Lord reversed the motion of the earth upon its axis?

When reading the accounts of some of the miraculous events recorded in the Bible, it can be helpful, even faith strengthening, to consider the harmony of biblical accounts with the laws established by the All-Wise Creator.2 Kings chapter 20 and Isaiah chapter 38 both [...]

Did Saul/Paul know about Jesus before his conversion?

Yes, Saul knew of Jesus before his conversion. The Apostle Paul, who was known as Saul before his conversion, was a well-known Pharisee who studied under Gamaliel, a famous Jewish rabbi and a leader in the Jewish Sanhedrin (Acts 2:33). The Pharisees heard of Jesus' [...]

Who was Jehoiakim?

Jehoiakim was a king of Judah, also called Eliakim. He was made king by the king of Egypt, who conquered his brother Jehoahaz, who went to Egypt as a captive and evidently died there. 2 Chronicles 36:4, "And the king of Egypt made Eliakim his [...]

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