Were did Sampson get his strength from?

Judges 13: 3-5, 7 (NIV), “The angel of the LORD appeared to her and said, ‘You are barren and childless, but you are going to become pregnant and give birth to a son. Now see to it that you drink no wine or other [...]

Please explain Proverbs 9:1

Christian character growth begins with faith. This is fundamental, and a wise man builds upon this strong foundation. "Without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is the rewarder of [...]

Who built the walls of Jericho?

The Scriptures do not give a definitive time for the building of the original walls of the city of Jericho. The city was already in existence when the Jews finished their 40 years in the wilderness and there is no indication how long the [...]

What does Luke 1:44-49 mean?

These events take place after the angel told Mary she would conceive a child through the Holy Spirit and that her cousin Elizabeth, advanced in years, had conceived a child.  Mary left Nazareth for a visit to Elizabeth and Elizabeth tells Mary that her baby leaped [...]

Who wrote the Bible?

The Bible was recorded by many authors over a period of a few thousand years.  For instance, the first five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy were all written by Moses. David wrote the Psalms. King Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, and the Song of Songs. Prophets also carefully recorded the history of Israel and Judah during their [...]

What does Romans 8:28 mean?

Romans 8:28 is a favorite of many Christians and a proper understanding is essential for a proper Christian faith structure. First, it is important to know who this applies to. We don’t need to guess at this because the verse mentions “To those who [...]

What is Solomon saying to us when he wrote Book of Proverbs?

The first nine chapters of Proverbs is a beautiful poem about wisdom personified. Solomon wrote most of Proverbs, while some chapters 25-29 were collected and later incorporated into the book by King Hezekiah. Chapter 30 was written by Agur the son of Jakeh and chapter 31 by King Lemuel [...]

Was the Gospel of Jesus preached in the Old Testament?

This is a great question because it has such a powerful answer as we will see. Yes! The gospel was preached in the Old Testament. First let’s examine the word “gospel”. The Greek word “euaggelion” means “a good message”, while the verb form “euaggelizo” [...]

Why did the Lord let Satan put Job into temptation?

Job suffered the loss of his temporal things, his children, and his health, in that order. His experiences involved extreme suffering during which his wife and his friends condemned him. He was alone in his agony. His temptation was to demand of God a reason for his experiences. [...]

Did Judas Iscariot go to hell?

Matt. 27:5, "…and went and hanged himself (Judas)." Judas died. What happens at death? In the Old Testament, all people, both good and bad, go to 'sheol' (Hebrew Strong's H7592). Job prayed that he might be sent to sheol in Job14:13, "O that thou [...]

Why did Adam and Eve sin?

Eve was the first one to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Genesis 3 informs us that Satan, personified as a serpent, lied to Eve saying, "You will not certainly die, God knows that when you eat from it your [...]

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