What is the biblical meaning of self-denial?

Self-denial means denying our own natural wills and instead following God’s will in all matters. Does it mean we cannot express our preference to buy chocolate ice cream over vanilla? No. Does it mean we ignore our likes and dislikes? No. It means we [...]

What is the proof that one is born again?

Summary: Spirit begettal is evidenced by our communion with God and a desire to do His will. Actual spirit birth occurs at our resurrection.  Discussion: The term “born again” (Strong’s #1080) is not necessarily a correct translation in every scripture. For example, in the [...]

Tell me about Stephen in the Bible.

The story of Stephen is found in Acts 6 and 7. He was a faithful and mature Christian. He was also chosen as one of the first deacons. Acts 6:2-8, " 'the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, “It would not be [...]

Can a Christian become a police officer?

God is a god of justice and order. In Titus 3:1 (NLT), Paul teaches believers “to submit to the government and its officers. They should be obedient, always ready to do what is good.” We should even pray “for kings and all those in [...]

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