What is backsliding? And how can a person recover?

To backslide, according to Merriam-Webster, is "to lapse morally or in the practice of religion." Backsliding may mean that we now spend less time studying God's Word or praying.  It may mean we meet less often with brothers and sisters in the Lord, or [...]

What do the Bible and the churches think of IVF?

Since there are many churches, it would be impossible to represent all the different denominational positions. A better question would be, “What might be the Biblical position on In Vitro Fertilization?” The following is the opinion and reasoning of a Christian writer. There are no [...]

Why are we here? And what does it matter?

At some time in each of our lives, we struggle with these fundamental questions; 'Why are we here?'  'What does it matter?'  When God created Adam and Eve, he set in motion the creation of the entire human race.  Generation after generation of human [...]

Why is it so difficult to memorize verses in the Bible?

Memorizing anything can be very difficult for many of us!    When it comes to memorizing Bible verses, some suggestions that you may find helpful are: •    Read and memorize from a version that is written in more contemporary English.  While many enjoy and [...]

How much must one forsake to follow the Lord?

When the ruler asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, Jesus replied that he must forsake all to follow after Him (Luke 18:18-30). If truly following after the Lord, we should consider all our time, talent, money, influence, etc…as belonging to [...]

How do you witness to a Jehovah witness?

How do we witness to anyone? “Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances.” Proverbs 25:11. This scripture means when a person has a need or a question, at that moment he might be open to receiving [...]

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