Please enlighten me on Christian stewardship

The biblical foundation of Christian stewardship traces back to the Garden of Eden. The first couple was given the mandate to subdue the earth and manage it for the Heavenly Father.  Psalms 24:1 explains that the “earth is the Lord’s”-everything in it-the world and [...]

What does the Bible say about owning gold and silver?

God and silver in the Bible represent riches. This is what Jesus recommended to his followers in regards to accumulating earthly riches: Mat_6:19-20,  "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, [...]

How do you desire and receive mercy?

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines mercy as compassion that is shown to an offender.  It is kind or forgiving treatment that is given to someone who is in a very bad or desperate situation.  There are several instances in the New Testament where beggars and [...]

How do you love someone?

That’s a very, very good question.  It implies that we need to make some effort, it doesn’t come automatically. Some are harder to love than others. We want to love in the way the God loves. We can’t give in the way God gives [...]

How can I grow in Financial areas?

I will answer the question in two words, “don’t borrow”. When it comes to financial matters the Christian should always live responsibly. A Christian must take care of his own financial needs and also live in a responsible way concerning those under his or [...]

Will we have freedom of choice in heaven?

We are beings created with the power of decision making. We have the freedom of choice. Everyone can weigh the pros and cons on any given matter and make a choice as to what they do. There is also the matter of will-power that [...]

Can You describe fear?

Webster defines fear as an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation of danger or pain. Fear implies anxiety and usually loss of courage. This strong emotion creates changes in brain and body functions. Ultimately, fear may cause a person to run away, hide or freeze [...]

Please explain Proverbs 9:1

Christian character growth begins with faith. This is fundamental, and a wise man builds upon this strong foundation. "Without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is the rewarder of [...]

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