Please explain Ephesians 4:7 (grace)

Ephesians 4:7: “But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.”This verse, as with most, is best understood in context. Writing from prison, the Apostle Paul is exhorting his dearly beloved brethren to “walk,” that [...]

How do I know if I am spiritually restored?

For Christians, an appropriate definition of being “spiritually minded” is devoting, or consecrating, one’s life to developing and possessing a mindset that prioritizes God and His word first in one’s life. Our lives are finite, so devotion to a single pursuit will of necessity come at [...]

Can an evil spirit enter a Christian serving the Lord?

Evil spirits are spirit beings that, through disobedience to God, were cast out of God’s favor and light and into darkness. For this reason, they are sometimes referred to as “fallen angels.” The first of these beings to disobey God was Lucifer. The scriptures [...]

Galatians 5:19-21 (lusts of the flesh) talks about people who won't enter to the kingdom of God. Are people going to be judged by the things they do on earth? Are people going to be free to drink beer in the 1,000 years of Judgment Day?

The Apostle Paul was concerned. The Christians in Galatia were struggling with worldly influences coming in among them from several sources. First, there were Christians who came from a Jewish background and believed that all Christians were bound to follow the Jewish Law. Then [...]

What is salvation and its importance?

The thought behind the word salvation is to rescue and to deliver.Every human being born in Adam has need of salvation. The death sentence passed upon Adam was because of his disobedience in the Garden of Eden. This death sentence has been inherited by every human being.  Romans [...]

What is the meaning of Mathew 12:20? (a battered reed)

Matthew 12:20: A battered reed he will not break off; and a smoldering wick he will not put out, until he leads justice to victory.This verse is quoted from a prophecy in Isaiah 42:1-3, and according to Matthew 12, clearly illustrates the approach and attitude [...]

Why does Satan attack the believers more?

Knowing the promise of his loss and power and his destruction stated in Genesis 3:15, Satan has targeted those who pose the greatest threat to his power. God foreknew Satan would especially attack Jesus and sincere Christians. God spoke to the serpent (representing the power of [...]

You say that the 144,000 is the number of the Bride of Christ. Is that the actual number? I understand that God did not take the whole body of Adam to give as a bride. So it is with the Second Adam. Surely the whole body of Christ is not the Bride, but the number is.

144,000 is the actual number of those sealed by God that will comprise the church class and bride of Christ (See Revelation 7:4). To some, this appears to be a very small number of those that have faithfully served God. After all, there are [...]

Please explain “star differing from star in glory” in 1 Corinthians 15:41. Is this a collective or individual work as a new creature regarding our positions of honor in the kingdom? Is it proportionate to the zeal of our faithfulness in our walk?

Yes, it is an individual work with a heavenly reward proportionate to faithful zeal.1 Corinthians 15:40-42 (NKJV), 40 “There are also celestial bodies and terrestrial bodies; but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. 41 There [...]

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