What are in the seven sealed books of God?

There are not seven sealed books in Revelation. There is one book, or rather a scroll, with seven seals on it. That scroll first appears in chapter 5: “And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written [...]

Was Peter was the first Pope?

The tradition that the Roman Catholic Church is the true church established by Jesus Christ is based on the following scripture, which we will need to examine in order to come to the correct conclusion. Mat 16:15-19  (GNB)"What about you?" he asked them. "Who [...]

Who are the Jews in Revelation 2:9? “I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.” (United States)

The seven churches in Revelation are a chronological prophecy of what will happen in Christianity (both true and nominal) after Jesus’ departure through His second advent. The church in Smyrna is the second church. It covers a period of severe persecution of true Christians [...]

What is the Jezebel spirit?

In Revelation (2:20-25; 18:7), Queen Jezebel symbolizes a great religious system (the apostate church of Rome) in this Gospel Age. Roman Catholicism did great violence to God's truth and to true Christians by putting to torturing and killing hundreds of thousands of Christians during [...]

Historically, is there a ten year gap between the 69th. and 70th. prophetic weeks of Daniel 9:24-27? Is a gap the reason why some believe 7 years of tribulation are separated from the earlier 69 prophetic weeks?

Daniel 9:24-27 takes us from rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls through the coming of the Messiah. When did the rebuilding of Jerusalem begin? Nehemiah 2:1 records that the Persian King, Artaxerxes, gave Nehemiah permission to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem in the “year 20” of [...]

Is tithing relevant today?

Tithing or giving 10 percent (or some other amount) is nowhere commanded in the New Testament. Tithing was part of the Law Covenant God made with Israel. The tithe was to support the tribe of Levites, who were not given an inheritance in the land. They were to be fully [...]

What is the book of Obadiah about?

Edom was the name given to Esau, the twin brother of Jacob, after he sold his birthright (Genesis 25:30-34). The name was applied both to the people descended from him and to the country in which they settled (Genesis 36:1; Numbers 20:18-21; Jeremiah 49:17).   The name [...]

What is the Mass?

Christ's continual sacrifice was not actually canceled or abolished by Papacy, but it was set aside by a false doctrine - which completely set aside the merit of Christ's sacrifice as a continual and ever-efficacious one. This false doctrine is known as the Mass, or Sacrifice of the [...]

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