Is tithing relevant today?

Tithing or giving 10 percent (or some other amount) is nowhere commanded in the New Testament. Tithing was part of the Law Covenant God made with Israel. The tithe was to support the tribe of Levites, who were not given an inheritance in the land. They were to be fully [...]

What is the book of Obadiah about?

Edom was the name given to Esau, the twin brother of Jacob, after he sold his birthright (Genesis 25:30-34). The name was applied both to the people descended from him and to the country in which they settled (Genesis 36:1; Numbers 20:18-21; Jeremiah 49:17).   The name [...]

What is the Mass?

Christ's continual sacrifice was not actually canceled or abolished by Papacy, but it was set aside by a false doctrine - which completely set aside the merit of Christ's sacrifice as a continual and ever-efficacious one. This false doctrine is known as the Mass, or Sacrifice of the [...]

What is the meaning of Easter?

Easter is a fun family holiday filled with bunnies, chicks, candy and eggs. However, there is a much deeper meaning in Christianity.  On Easter Sunday, Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is one of the most well-attended Sunday services of the year [...]

Who built the pyramids?

The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids.  The age of the pyramids reached its zenith at Giza in 2575–2150 BC.  Among the pyramids one alone testifies to a knowledge superior to that of any other monument of ancient Egypt. This monument is the Great Pyramid.  The knowledge displayed in [...]

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