How does God see us?

There are difficulties and limits in trying to understand in our finite minds our great God’s abilities and powers. We can only reason from the little information we have in the Bible about the spirit realm. The scriptures give God humanlike qualities so we [...]

Does money buy truth?

You might be thinking of this scripture: Pro 23:23  Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding. Let’s look at it in a couple of other translations of the Bible: (BBE)  Get for yourself that which is true, and [...]

Why you think it was necessary for God to die?

There are many beings and things called "god" in the Bible, so we must be clear as to which "god" we are talking about.   Satan is called the 'god' of this world.  (2 Corinthians 4:4,  “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds [...]

What is the authority of God?

Unfortunately, it is practically impossible to answer such a broad question with specifics, but we'll try without going into the detail necessary to provide a comprehensive answer. First, we need to define the word and concept of "authority." Generally speaking, authority is given or [...]

Why does God love us?

We are to distinguish between natural love and the love of God. All mankind has some share at least of natural love--self-love, love for family, love of friends. Our Lord, speaking of this kind of love, implies that it is not the love of [...]

I want to know the real name of Almighty God.

When we give ourselves to God, the Creator of everything, and come into His family through His son Jesus Christ, we become sons of God. Then to us, the Almighty’s name is Abba or Daddy or Father as Jesus taught us to pray.God identifies Himself with [...]

Besides God and Jesus, who else should we pray to?

Let's first look at some instances in the Bible where a person tried to worship a being other than God or Jesus.  (All references are to the New International Version Bible.) While receiving the Revelation of Jesus Christ on the Isle of Patmos, the [...]

Do God, Satan and angels have souls?

To answer your first question: Do God, Satan and angels have souls? Yes, they have souls as do all animals (Job. 12:10). The soul being the essence of what makes you, you—your memories, thoughts—like information on a disc, but in another sense, they are [...]

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