Am i supposed to call anyone my spiritual father?

We as Christians try to treat everyone with respect. We usually refer to someone by whatever title they have earned through education, such as 'Doctor Smith."  Father, however, has the meaning of "giver of life."  We each have an earthly father, who gave us [...]

Why should we worship God?

Worship can mean different things to different people. In the Bible, the words translated worship have the sense of showing respect or reverence, or serving royalty or God. The definition, according to, is “reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred [...]

Who qualifies to take the Last Supper?

The Lord’s last supper of bread and wine as read in Luke 22: 19, 20 was Jesus’ way of teaching his apostles what they must do to be his true followers. Jesus specifically said, “Do this in remembrance of me,” after he had broken and [...]

Does God exist?

This question may be on the minds of a lot of people these days. Looking at the trouble that is happening around the world makes people ask “if God exists, why would he let this happen? If God exists, why is he so quiet?” [...]

How do I hear the voice of God?

We do not literally hear God’s voice at this time of mankind’s history. In Old Testament times, man did hear God’s literal voice. Notable accounts include Adam (Gen. 3:9,10); Noah and his sons (Gen. 8:15,16; Gen. 9:8); Abram (Gen. 17:3,4); and Jacob (Gen. chapters [...]

Who made God?

It may be hard to understand, but nobody made God. If there was an answer to “who made God,” the next logical question would be “then who made the entity that made God?” This could be a never-ending cycle. Our understanding of the nature of [...]

If God loved us then why are we not we perfect?

God did create a perfect earth and a perfect human family to enjoy it! In Genesis, we are told that after God created Adam, He pronounced His creation “very good.”  Adam was indeed a perfect man living in a perfect home. But Adam’s free [...]

Do angels intercept prayers between humans and God?

(All scripture quoted is from the NIV, unless otherwise noted.) Angels are God's mighty messengers.  We read:  "Praise the LORD, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word."  (Psalm 103:20) One of the duties assigned to angels is [...]

Has anyone seen God?

No.  In John 4:24, we are told that "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth."  The Scriptures distinctly tell us that a spirit has not “flesh and blood” (1 Cor 15:44). The Bible also [...]

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