How will I know of the second coming of Jesus?

In the “Lord’s Great Prophesy” of Matthew 24 & Luke 21, our Lord outlined both the historical events that would lead up to his return as well as the signs that would indicate he was here. He also referred to the book of Daniel [...]

Will the coming of our Lord Jesus end wickedness?

This is a very positive question about our Lord's promised return. When Jesus returns, He 1) gathers his faithful saints and (2) restores earth and mankind to the peace and harmony that was in the Garden of Eden before Adam sinned.  In John 5:28, 29, [...]

What is the rapture?

Most translations of the Bible do not contain the word “rapture.” The relatively recent concept made popular by books and movies commonly known as the "rapture” is taken largely from 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17: “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with [...]

Is the coming of the Lord near?

The New Testament was written in the Greek language, and it is much more precise than English. There are multiple Greek words, each with their own unique meaning, that have all been translated as the same English word “coming.” So when we try to [...]

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