"Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom." Matthew 26:28. Does this idea that some living at that time would continue to live on until the second advent of our Lord? (Mount of Transfiguration)

The word "kingdom" properly rendered here is royal majesty. Continuing the narrative on down into the next chapter, it is stated that six days afterwards, the Lord took Peter, James and John and went apart from the rest of the disciples up into a [...]

If the dead are asleep in the graves awaiting the time of the resurrection at the second coming of our Lord, when all who are in their graves shall be awakened and shall come forth, as the Scriptures affirm; how shall we understand the experiences of some who, at the time of their departure from this life, see heavenly visions of angels, and hear strains of celestial music?

The Scriptures are clear that the dead are "asleep" "in their graves" and "the dead know not anything," “for there is neither wisdom, nor device, nor knowledge in the grave whither thou goest,” and that all will remain in this sleep of death until [...]

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