Should women have equal rights with men?

It is very evident to the close observer that men and women the world over are more and more approaching a condition of equality. This is largely due to the changing state of affairs in the industrial and social realms. Women are entering in [...]

What is life?

To live is to possess sentient being; to be capable of consciousness, joy or sorrow, pleasure or pain. Life, in its highest sense, is known as immortality. Immortality signifies inherent life, a life not sustained by outside supplies, conditions or influence, but life possessed [...]

What is conscience?

Man when created was endowed with the moral faculties; that is, the faculties with which to determine between the right and the wrong. The faculties were perfect in the first man formed by the Creator. The Divine Law was written in the very nature [...]

If hatred is not a virtue, why does it say in Ecclesiastes 3:8 "There is a time to hate?" Why does Christ say in Luke 14:2: "If any man come to me and HATE not his father and mother, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple?"

Our Lord in all of his instructions to his followers continually admonished them to love one another, and not only this but that they were to love their enemies as well (John 13:35, Matthew 5:43,44-46, 1 Peter 2:23). Therefore, it would not be consistent [...]

The Lord Jesus taught the Christians to pray, “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done on earth.” Does that mean that all Christian people should join together and vote for the election of only Christian men to office in order that the will of God might be done on the earth?

The true footstep followers of the Lord Jesus are called to a "heavenly calling" (`Heb. 3:1`), to the "high calling of God" (`Phil. 3:13`.) They are running for the office of joint heirship with Christ Jesus in His Kingdom. The Apostle Paul was one [...]

In `Matt. 17:20`, Jesus said to his disciples “if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.” Could one have faith to remove a literal mountain?

The question would seem to be a preposterous one, but when we reflect upon the meaning of the word faith; that it is not imagination or blind credulity, but, as defined by the Apostle, "Faith is a basis of things hoped for; a conviction [...]

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