Will it be a sin to take the COVID-19 vaccination?

Why would it be a sin? A sin is something that opposes God and His righteous will. How would taking a vaccine oppose God? The vaccine helps people to fight a virus. That virus has already killed between 3 million to 6 million people worldwide. [...]

I'm dealing with a few people who are accusing us wrongly. Their accusations are false and they never get tired of telling lies. They are wicked people and I don't know what we did to deserve this struggle. Everyday I pray to God so that He might rescue us. But nothing is working… (India)

Our hearts go out to you. Lies and false accusations are very painful and cause much suffering. Is it at all possible for you to change situations where you might start fresh without this burden? It might be worth the trouble of doing so... [...]

Is it okay to fight? (Philippines)

No. Christians may not fight physically. It's devilish when people hit, beat, or rob us. But many have suffered for righteousness.  Remember the great Apostle Paul’s hardships. 2 Corinthians11:24-27, “Five different times the Jewish leaders gave me thirty-nine lashes.  Three times I was beaten [...]

How can I discover my spiritual gifts? (United States)

A person's self-discovery may be different from God's direction. We walk with God by praying for opportunities of service. If you are sincere and humble, the Lord will open your eyes to the needs of others. Daily, we will begin to see ways to aid others, both spiritually and naturally.  Most [...]

Can a Christian lady marry a Muslim man? (Qatar)

No. When a Christian and a non-Christian marry, that couple is considered unequally yoked. 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 (NIV) “do not be yoked together with unbelievers”.  Deuteronomy 22:10 tells us, “do not plow with an ox and a donkey yoked together”.  A yoke is a [...]

Should a Christian go to a party? (United States)

It would depend on the type of party. For example, if the main activity of the party is drinking and dancing, then no. These behaviors promote our fallen flesh. But a birthday party or a celebration where people can fellowship about God and His [...]

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