How to have a divine encounter

A divine encounter should not be expected or wished for, as it is never promised to the Christian. We are to follow by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). Colossians 2:18, (CEV) “Don’t be cheated by people who make a show of acting [...]

How do I know if I am spiritually restored?

For Christians, an appropriate definition of being “spiritually minded” is devoting, or consecrating, one’s life to developing and possessing a mindset that prioritizes God and His word first in one’s life. Our lives are finite, so devotion to a single pursuit will of necessity come at [...]

Do all dreams come from God?

Scientists admit they know very, very little about how the brain works. Such a complicated, intricate design could only be the work of an Intelligent Creator. Clearly we are not an "accidental" or evolved creation but are here by extremely special and unique design.We [...]

What is the meaning of Hebrews 4:1-9? (Sabbath)

The first verse of Hebrews chapter four includes the word “therefore,” indicating that the thoughts expressed in this chapter are a continuation of those of the preceding chapter. In Hebrews 3:12, the author (generally thought to be the Apostle Paul) issues a heartfelt warning [...]

If God says, "Seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you," and also says all the flowers, animals and birds are provided for, why does he actually allow a true believer to live in lack and doesn't provide for us at all? We seek His kingdom sincerely but still struggle in lack.

When a general statement is made, it is important to understand the context and the Divine intention behind the statement.The verses in Matthew 6:25-33 illustrate that God has the ABILITY to supply every need in the animal and plant creation. But He chooses to use [...]

If man was created on the earth 6000 years ago, why should we believe that the earth is billions of years old? Is this not what evolution teaches? If the dinosaurs died out before man Adam and Eve sinned, why would God call these early creative days “very good”? How does this harmonize with the Bible teaching that by one man death was brought on the earth and by one man death was conquered?

Genesis opens with the universe and our earth already created. Genesis chapter 1 is told from the point of view of God looking at the earth and beginning its specific creative works including mankind. Genesis 2 continues from the point of view of Adam, [...]

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