How do dinosaurs fit into the word of God?

Dinosaurs fascinate us as they did the inspired writer of Genesis. In almost everyone’s  imagination mentioning them spawns vivid images of these dread-inspiring beasts  who once ruled earth. Dinosaurs belong to the fifth creative epoch (Genesis 1:20-23) and the original  Hebrew employs awestruck language [...]

How can I grow in Financial areas?

I will answer the question in two words, “don’t borrow”. When it comes to financial matters the Christian should always live responsibly. A Christian must take care of his own financial needs and also live in a responsible way concerning those under his or [...]

What does the bible say about youth and lifestyle?

God appears to be very understanding and loving when youth and lifestyle are spoken of in the Bible. As a young person, God knows that you will make mistakes and even rebel. In fact, God’s plan is entirely based on mankind making mistakes and [...]

Can You describe fear?

Webster defines fear as an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation of danger or pain. Fear implies anxiety and usually loss of courage. This strong emotion creates changes in brain and body functions. Ultimately, fear may cause a person to run away, hide or freeze [...]

Is smoking against God's will? Is it wrong?

God’s will for his children is always what is best for them – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  Like any good father, God gives wise counsel and instruction with the goal of raising healthy, well-balanced children.  Whether or not a child chooses to follow good advice is, of [...]

If Christmas celebration is against the Word of God, how come there are still mighty Christians like Kenneth Copeland and others that still make a huge thing of it? My son is all against it and I do not know how to handle the situation. Please help

Christmas means different things to different people. In our day it is largely a secular event given over to much commercialization. However, to some it means a joyful celebration of the birth of Jesus. And just as the “wise men from the east” brought [...]

Is it biblical to wear ornaments of gold and silver?

First, let's look at some of the scriptures relating to wearing ornaments of silver and gold.  Then we will see if we can identify situations where wearing these ornaments is favorable and when it is not. Old Testament: Gen 24:22,30 "And it came to pass, as [...]

What is Solomon saying to us when he wrote Book of Proverbs?

The first nine chapters of Proverbs is a beautiful poem about wisdom personified. Solomon wrote most of Proverbs, while some chapters 25-29 were collected and later incorporated into the book by King Hezekiah. Chapter 30 was written by Agur the son of Jakeh and chapter 31 by King Lemuel [...]

Is plastic surgery good or bad?

Assuming the question is referring to plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons, people choose to have plastic surgery because they are unhappy with the way they look. Whether someone is unhappy with the shape of their nose or with the wrinkles under their eyes, a person [...]

Is it ok for women to be preachers?

Within the church, only men are to be teachers, preachers, or elders. 1 Tim. 2:11, 12 (ESV) reads, "Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is [...]

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