Do we need to keep the sabbath today?

We are to praise the Lord every day. Hebrews 4:1-3 tells us we have entered into our Lord's rest, i.e. Sabbath. The lesson of the Sabbath is more than setting aside one specific day of the week to worship God. It is a daily worship. We can be at [...]

Are the Ten Commandments still binding?

We are not under the law of commandments written on stone (Exodus 20) in the sense of hoping to be justified in God’s sight by keeping them. The Law Covenant, which contained the Ten Commandments, was only for the nation of Israel, and their experience [...]

What is meant by the Passover?

The word "Passover" appears in the Old Testament 49 times and is translated from the Hebrew word, Strong’s 06453 xop pecach peh'- sakh.  The translation literally means 'to pass over’. We find this word first occurs in Exodus 12.  Recall the situation at that time:  Moses [...]

Why Does Paul Have Timothy Circumcised? (Acts 16:3)

Acts 16:1-3  (Phillip Translation)  “Paul also went to Derbe and Lystra.  At Lystra there was a disciple by the name of Timothy whose mother was a Jewish Christian, though his father was a Greek.  Timothy was held in high regard by the brothers at [...]

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