What is the meaning of Hebrews 4:1-9? (Sabbath)

The first verse of Hebrews chapter four includes the word “therefore,” indicating that the thoughts expressed in this chapter are a continuation of those of the preceding chapter. In Hebrews 3:12, the author (generally thought to be the Apostle Paul) issues a heartfelt warning [...]

Galatians 5:19-21 (lusts of the flesh) talks about people who won't enter to the kingdom of God. Are people going to be judged by the things they do on earth? Are people going to be free to drink beer in the 1,000 years of Judgment Day?

The Apostle Paul was concerned. The Christians in Galatia were struggling with worldly influences coming in among them from several sources. First, there were Christians who came from a Jewish background and believed that all Christians were bound to follow the Jewish Law. Then [...]

Millions of gay people are happily married, millions of fornicators are in happily nuclear families, but God knows I am so lonely and miserable but still I am not getting a husband or family despite me being faithful to Him. My loneliness and misery has never been soothed all my life. Why would a loving God allow this torment in my life?

We appreciate this question very much and are sorry you feel so much longing and sadness. The desires of the heart can be a long and painful trial for so many of us. The heart wants what the heart wants, but a big part [...]

If God says, "Seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you," and also says all the flowers, animals and birds are provided for, why does he actually allow a true believer to live in lack and doesn't provide for us at all? We seek His kingdom sincerely but still struggle in lack.

When a general statement is made, it is important to understand the context and the Divine intention behind the statement.The verses in Matthew 6:25-33 illustrate that God has the ABILITY to supply every need in the animal and plant creation. But He chooses to use [...]

What is Christianity?

The term “Christianity” is an all-encompassing general term that describes the religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, or its beliefs and practices. Christians study the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christians believe God sent His son Jesus, [...]

What is salvation and its importance?

The thought behind the word salvation is to rescue and to deliver.Every human being born in Adam has need of salvation. The death sentence passed upon Adam was because of his disobedience in the Garden of Eden. This death sentence has been inherited by every human being.  Romans [...]

What is the meaning of Mathew 12:20? (a battered reed)

Matthew 12:20: A battered reed he will not break off; and a smoldering wick he will not put out, until he leads justice to victory.This verse is quoted from a prophecy in Isaiah 42:1-3, and according to Matthew 12, clearly illustrates the approach and attitude [...]

In Psalm 2:7, thou art my son, today I have begotten thee – is applied to Jesus' baptism at Jordan. However, in Acts 13:33, the same psalm is quoted and applied to the day of Jesus' resurrection. How do we harmonize this?

Jesus was begotten of the spirit at his baptism. However, the context of Psalm 2 is in keeping with the Apostle Paul's application that the statement, "this day have I begotten thee" describes Jesus' resurrection. Psalm 2 opens with the heathen raging and the kings of the earth [...]

Who attended Jesus’ baptism?

The accounts of the baptism of Jesus are found in Matthew 3:13-17, John 1:29-34 and Luke 3:21-22. The only individuals we know for sure who attended Jesus' baptism was Jesus himself and John the Baptist. It is likely, however, that there were many other unnamed individuals who [...]

How does Jesus care for us?

It is overwhelming to see how Jesus has cared for us and how he continues to care for us.Jesus is our Precious Savior and loved us so much he was willing to give up everything to surrender to the will of God even to the [...]

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