What does the Bible have to say about transgender?

Biological Information: One's gender is determined by genes at conception. Females have XX genes, while males have XY genes. Surgery and hormones cannot transform the numerous differences between sexes. In fact, for those dear people who do undergo sex reassignment treatment, the emotional and [...]

How does the spirit make intercession for us? Romans 8:26 & 27.

What is the “spirit” referenced in the passage? “Spirit” in the Greek is “pneuma.”  Strong’s Concordance defines it broadly: “a current of air, breath, mental disposition or an angel, demon.” Throughout Romans, the Apostle Paul also used “pneuma” in different contexts with a variety [...]

What is the mind of God like?

God reveals Himself through the Bible and nature. God is a spirit being with unlimited abilities, who has existed from eternity past and will exist for eternity future. What He has revealed to us is what we, as mere mortals, are capable of understanding. [...]

Where did Jesus go when he died?

Jesus didn’t go anywhere when he died. He was dead in the tomb.​ We read in Isaiah’s prophecy that Jesus “poured out His soul unto death,” that His soul was made “an offering for sin.” (Isaiah 53:12, 10.) Then again we read, “Thou wilt [...]

I have a friend that believes that God uses the devil to kill Christians when it's their time to come to heaven. I told her no, God doesn't need to use the devil. Please clarify this for me and give me scriptures to prove it to her. Thank you!

Yes and no. Satan does have power over death. It’s part of his dark empire. (Hebrews 2:14)  God permitted the devil to be present in the Garden of Eden. Satan was the deceiver, who tempted Eve and indirectly Adam to sin. Their sin brought [...]

Was Jesus created by God or always next to God?

The following scriptures are used by the apostle John to describe the relationship between God and Jesus:   Jesus is called the “only begotten Son” of God in John 1:18, John 3:16, 18, and 1 John 4:9. The most accurate, word-for-word translations of the [...]

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