What is the meaning of Hebrews 4:1-9? (Sabbath)

The first verse of Hebrews chapter four includes the word “therefore,” indicating that the thoughts expressed in this chapter are a continuation of those of the preceding chapter. In Hebrews 3:12, the author (generally thought to be the Apostle Paul) issues a heartfelt warning [...]

How did Sunday become a day of rest or the Sabbath?

We are to praise the Lord every day. Hebrews 4:1-3 tells us we have entered into our “Lord's rest,” that is, Sabbath. The lesson of the Sabbath is more than setting aside one specific day of the week to worship God. It is a daily worship. We can [...]

What is the Sabbath day?

Many ask the question is it Saturday or Sunday? Jewish people and Seventh Day Adventists feel that Saturday is the Sabbath. Most other Christian churches feel that Sunday is the Sabbath or at least the day that they chose to worship together on.  The [...]

Do we need to keep the sabbath today?

We are to praise the Lord every day. Hebrews 4:1-3 tells us we have entered into our Lord's rest, i.e. Sabbath. The lesson of the Sabbath is more than setting aside one specific day of the week to worship God. It is a daily worship. We can be at [...]

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