Who was Jonah?

Who was Jonah? Jonah was a prophet. A prophet was a person God chose to deliver His message. God wanted Jonah to deliver His message to the wicked people of Nineveh. He wanted Jonah to preach that Nineveh would be overthrown because of [...]

What is integrity?

What is integrity? It’s the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. Let’s think of it as standing up for what you know is right even if no one else is watching or agreeing with you…and that’s a hard thing to [...]

What is the highest form of love in the Bible?

The Bible describes four different kinds or levels of love - family love, brotherly love, philanthropic love (which means giving to others when you see a need) and a special kind of love that is selfless and unconditional. Unconditional love means loving without [...]

How did Jesus show his love for others?

Jesus cared so much for those in need! Matthew (9:36, NLT) says, “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” Matthew also describes a scene where Jesus showed his love [...]

What is pride?

Pride is a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction because of our personal qualities or achievements. In other words, it’s thinking too highly of ourselves, what we have or what we do. Do we post pictures of ourselves online, hoping others will notice [...]

What is generosity?

What is generosity? Generosity is the quality of being kind and generous. To be generous is to show a readiness to give more than what is expected or necessary. God is generous with us. He created a place for us to live - [...]

Who was Nehemiah?

Nehemiah was a Jewish man living in captivity under the rule of the ancient empire of Persia. He held a high position in the royal court, serving the Persian king. One day, when Nehemiah asked his brother and some visitors about Jerusalem, God’s [...]

What does the Bible say about heaven?

God’s “house,” in a large sense of the word, is the entire universe overall, with heaven being where He and different groups of spiritual beings live, like angels, cherubim, seraphim and others. One part of Jesus’ mission was to find faithful followers who [...]

Why did Jesus wash the disciples feet?

In Jesus’ time, people walked in sandals along dusty roads. Typically, when you visited someone, your host would have their servant wash your feet so that you would feel clean and refreshed. Washing someone’s feet was considered to be a job for someone [...]

What happened at Pentecost?

Pentecost was the Greek name for a feast celebrating a wheat harvest observed by the Jewish people. They called it the Feast of Harvests or the Feast of Weeks. It took place around May or June, 50 days after the first day of [...]

What are the different kinds of love in the Bible?

We can group them into four levels so it’s easier to understand! The first level is “Family Love.” It’s the most basic and common type of love, like the love between you and your parents. Titus, a disciple of the Apostle Paul, advised [...]

Why didn`t some people like Jesus?

When he was here on earth, Jesus was a perfect human being. He was humble, loving, kind, and obedient to God. He healed the sick and raised the dead. He willingly came to earth and preached God’s beautiful message of the coming kingdom. [...]

What is courage?

It’s the ability to do something in a scary or uncomfortable situation. So many of God’s faithful, courageous people in the Bible are great examples for us! Goliath was a giant Philistine man who made the Israelites feel small, making fun of them, [...]

Why did the kingdom of Israel split?

Our tragic story begins with King Solomon, who started out following God’s laws and commandments like his father David, but eventually worshiped false gods. Of course, this was a HUGE sin against the one TRUE God - there would be consequences for such [...]

Why did Jesus perform miracles?

In Jesus’ day, Christianity was just beginning. The people needed extra help in believing Jesus was the son of God. In the book of John (4:48, English Standard Version), a man asked him to heal his son. Jesus said to the man, “...Unless [...]

What is joy?

Long ago, an important message of joy came from an angel to some shepherds, recorded in Luke (2:10,11, NLT). The angel said, “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born [...]

What is the Ark of the Covenant?

It was a piece of furniture in the Jewish Tabernacle. The Tabernacle was a moveable temple where God’s presence dwelled while Israel wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. It was then set up in Shiloh under Joshua’s leadership after the death of [...]

What can we do when we’re sad or frustrated?

Nobody ever said life was easy! The Bible promises that in His future kingdom, “God will wipe away all tears,” (see Revelation 21:4) but until His righteous government is fully established in His perfect timing, sometimes we can feel sad or frustrated. The [...]

What is respect?

Respect is a feeling of genuine politeness and kindness we have towards others. To help us remember how to be respectful of others, and exactly what we should do to show respect, we should think about what Jesus says in Matthew, “Do to [...]

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