What does the holy spirit do?

The holy spirit is God’s invisible power and influence. Over time, the role of the holy spirit changed.   In Old Testament times and before Jesus’ baptism, the function of the holy spirit was primarily to guide and direct His prophets by inspiring [...]

What was life like in Bible times?

What was life like in Bible times?  The Bible is like a historical “time capsule” giving us insight into daily life! How did people get around with no airplanes, cars, or trains?  They walked of course, and there were animals and other things [...]

Why did Jesus tell his disciples to buy swords?

Why did Jesus tell his disciples to buy swords? Jesus was a man of peace, who healed the sick and stood up for righteousness at every turn as God’s representative. He carried out his mission perfectly, preaching about God’s kingdom and dying as [...]

What is sin and what can we do about it?

Sin is anything that misses the mark of God’s perfect, divine standards, like a bullseye on a target where God’s standards are represented by the innermost circle. What we say, do and think can be sinful. Humans have one BIG thing in common: [...]

Do people turn into angels when they die?

There are NO examples in the Bible of this happening - and no one in the Bible says it does. Sometimes books, movies or our own imaginations can introduce incorrect concepts not taught in the Bible. The first man God created, Adam, was [...]

What does the Bible say about Satan?

God created the spirit being we know as Satan. The prophet Isaiah indicates he was once known as “Lucifer.” (see Isaiah 14:12 - KJV uses the term “Lucifer”) He calls him “son of the morning,” but other translations (of the Bible) say “star [...]

Why is Christian fellowship important?

Fellowship means having a friendship with people who share similar interests. Christians share a love for God, Jesus and the Bible, so they have lots in common. Fellowship helps to form a strong relationship with others who want to serve the Lord.   [...]

Why did Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead?

Jesus’ dear friend Lazarus was very sick. But instead of visiting him right away, he waited until Lazarus had died and been in the tomb for four days (see John 11:17). Why? Because this way the miracle would have the most powerful effect. [...]

Why do we worship God?

To worship is to show a feeling of love and respect for a supreme being. We worship God because He is our Creator with extraordinary qualities, and, therefore, worthy of our love, respect, and appreciation.    Let’s discover why:   He is superior [...]

What should we pray for?

Prayer is a special privilege and should be done with great humility and respect. After all, we are speaking to the Creator of the universe! With this in mind, we must be sure we are praying for the RIGHT things that are pleasing [...]

How can children serve God?

Jesus loved to spend time with children. When parents brought their children to him so he could pray for them, his disciples tried to stop them, thinking they were bothering the Master, but in Matthew (19:14, NLT)  Jesus said, “...Let the children come [...]

What are the Ten Commandments?

They are instructions from God for leading a godly life, teaching us right from wrong regarding our relationships with God and those around us.    (1st Commandment, Exodus 20:3, NLT) “You must not have any other god but Me.” This means God should [...]

Why was Jesus baptized?

John the Baptist was Jesus’ cousin. John’s mission was to prepare the hearts of the Jewish people to turn toward Jesus and his teachings. He did this by urging them to repent, (meaning, feel sincere regret) for their sins, to change, and to [...]

What is self control?

It's the ability to control one’s emotions and desires, especially in difficult or tempting situations. For example, it’s almost dinner time but you’re thinking about cookies. Eating a lot of cookies now will spoil your meal, as well as give you a stomachache. [...]

What is reverence?

The word “reverence” means “deep respect,” which is exactly the attitude we should always have regarding God, His son Jesus, and the Bible.   In Exodus, when God chose Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, He spoke to him through a [...]

When will God`s kingdom be here?

God’s kingdom has many parts that happen in different stages. Jesus told us to pray for it. (see Matthew 6:10)  He also talked about the future resurrection, when everyone who has ever died will be raised to life. (see John 5:28) The prophet [...]

What is patience?

Patience, sometimes translated in the Bible as “perseverance” or “long suffering,” is the ability to accept delay, suffering or trouble without getting angry or upset. A person with patience can wait for something they want - like dessert or birthday presents, for example [...]

What happened on the road to Emmaus?

Jesus had been crucified and his followers were devastated. Their hopes had been built up for 3 ½ years that Israel would become a restored kingdom with Jesus as king. They thought he had come to rescue the nation from their enemies, but [...]

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