What was the Jewish Tabernacle?

It was a movable tent (or temple) where the Israelites could be in contact with God’s presence as they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. Exodus (25:8 NLT) says, “Have the people of Israel build me a holy sanctuary so I can [...]

What makes a true friend?

Proverbs (17:17, Bible in Basic English) says, “A friend is loving at all times, and becomes a brother in times of trouble.” This means that a true friend has love and concern for us in all aspects of our life, but especially when [...]

Why does God let bad things happen?

Sin and Satan’s influence has made everyone miserable for thousands of years. There is war, pain, hate, and death. But God has a plan that allows these things to only be TEMPORARILY permitted for a certain amount of time and not a day [...]

What does God look like?

Since God is a spirit being, we don’t really know, because humans cannot see spirit beings. There were times in the Bible when spirit beings created a human-like body to communicate with people. But what the people saw was a temporary human image, [...]

How can we fight loneliness?

We don’t have to be afraid of loneliness - noticing that we are lonely helps us realize that something is not quite right - maybe our relationships are not as strong as we want them to be, or maybe we could use more [...]

What`s wrong with complaining?

Complaining is saying you are annoyed or not satisfied about something. It’s not productive because it brings negativity to the situation and is contagious - meaning, it often spreads to others who then join in. Sometimes we complain for attention or sympathy. We [...]

Will the earth always be here?

Yes, it will, although there are some Scriptures that “seemingly” say the earth will be burned up and destroyed. But all of those are not talking about the “actual” destruction of the earth. Instead, they are symbolic of destroying the old, unfair earthly [...]

Did God send the coronavirus?

Many thousands have lost someone close to them, or known someone who has, because of Covid-19. Our hearts are touched with compassion for them. Some may wonder why God permitted this pandemic and all of the other world tragedies that occur so frequently. [...]

How do we know Jesus was the Messiah?

“Messiah” means “anointed one.” To be “anointed” means to be chosen for a special purpose. God anointed Jesus - and Jesus willingly volunteered - to die as a ransom for Adam, putting into motion a plan that will bring all who have ever [...]

How is the Bible organized?

The Bible is made up of 66 smaller books and divided into two sections, the Old Testament (which has 39 books) and the New Testament (which has 27 books). Each book of the Bible contains chapters and verses. A chapter is a small [...]

How can we be more giving?

Humans have a tendency to be selfish. For many of us, it might not feel “natural” to go out of our way to give. But as Christians, giving is something we should enjoy and be good at!  2 Corinthians (9:7, NIV) says that [...]

Do good luck charms have power?

No! Believing in things like good luck charms goes as far back as ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece. Today you might hear of people carrying crystals, statues, rabbit’s feet, four leaf clovers or wearing “evil eye” jewelry. None of these things has the [...]

Are the dead really dead?

Yes. The Bible confirms this. Some movies or books present the idea that the dead aren’t really dead, but are instead more alive than ever after they pass on. This is a lie that started with Satan when he told Eve in the [...]

What does the Lord`s Prayer Mean ?

When Jesus’ disciples asked him to teach them how to pray, he gave them this simple prayer as an example in the book of Luke. It says: “Our Father in heaven...” (Luke 11:2, NKJ) First, we must remember that God is our loving [...]

What happened in the Garden of Gethsemane?

Arriving with a large group carrying swords and clubs, Judas betrayed Jesus by greeting him with a kiss, a prearranged signal so they would know whom to arrest. (see Matt 26:47, Mark 14:43, Luke 22:47, John 18:3) To protect Jesus, Peter drew his [...]

What is faith?

Do you ever wonder if the sun will be there in the morning when you wake up? Probably not, because you’re sure that it will. But, why are you sure? Because for your entire life, you have woken up and it has been [...]

Who were the scribes and Pharisees?

They were the Jewish leaders in Jesus’ time. They were religious and educated in the Scriptures and also the Law, which was the list of special rules for Jewish people to follow. The scribes were like the official recorders of the day, writing [...]

Why do we study the Bible?

First, we study the Bible, which contains the inspired word of God, to learn about our loving Creator. It’s like an instruction manual for Christians so we know what is expected of us. 2 Timothy (2:16, RVIC) says, “Every Scripture inspired of God [...]

What if your friends don`t believe in God?

That’s okay! You can still be a good example to them by showing Christian principles of faith, honesty, kindness, forgiveness, patience, and joy. While we should not be afraid or embarrassed to tell others about Jesus or God’s wonderful future plan, we also [...]

How can we know God?

Because we are all imperfect human beings, and so much lower than God and His ways, it’s not possible to completely know Him. However, it IS possible to know some things about Him.  The first way is through His word, the Bible. The [...]

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