Sin and Satan’s influence has made everyone miserable for thousands of years. There is war, pain, hate, and death. But God has a plan that allows these things to only be TEMPORARILY permitted for a certain amount of time and not a day longer. We are all learning a powerful lesson: sin only brings sorrow and pain.

God’s plan, the establishment of His righteous kingdom – the one Jesus taught us to pray for – (see Matthew 6:10) has many parts that happen in multiple stages. When there is trouble in the world, we are comforted by the fact that God is in full control of His plan, which will eventually bring blessings to you and everyone you know.

The Bible says there will be no crying or pain in His kingdom (see Revelation 21:4). Jesus will raise to life every human who has ever died, (see John 5:28) and because of his sacrifice on the cross, humankind will have the opportunity to restore their relationship with God. The prophet Isaiah describes the earth being transformed into a beautiful paradise, (see Isaiah 35), where most people will live.

Eventually, after humankind has enjoyed God's righteous and fair government, they will remember the lesson from the past of what sin brought. This will make it easier to choose the RIGHT way, because GOD’S way brings happiness and blessings! Later on, Satan will be destroyed. (see Revelation 20:10)

Always remember that God is not uncaringly sitting back as people get hurt or hurt others because He loves the world and ALL people! John says, (3:16, NKJ) “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

Are you excited for God’s kingdom to come? To our imperfect, human minds and limited knowledge of God's timing, it can seem like His plan is moving slowly, but we have to be patient! The prophet Habakkuk (2:3, NLT) was shown a vision of God's future plan. God said, “…It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed.”

So, why does God let bad things happen? Because it’s part of a plan that will ensure everyone’s best eternal welfare. The bad things caused by Satan and sin are helping us all learn a powerful lesson: sin brings sorrow and pain. In time, humankind will realize that obedience to God’s righteous laws brings happiness and blessings. God will eventually remove ALL “bad things” and His plan will be fulfilled…and YOU and EVERY person you know will be a part of it!

This video is from Christian Questions Podcast. For more information please go to