Are Christians considered Saints?

The word "Christian" has different meanings and associations to different people.  Many "Christians" have consecrated themselves to a certain church, sect or belief, to which they give their allegiance, rather than to God.  They may attempt to adhere to moral principles, which is to [...]

How does God want man to live?

If you want to be pleasing to God, man should always live according to the Bible. Some may think this is restrictive, but it is actually quite freeing.  Let’s use the workplace as an example. There are some companies where employees are empowered at [...]

What does it mean to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus?

Hebrews 12 opens with, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses; let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes [...]

How can I pick up my cross daily to follow Jesus?

The bearing of the cross is the way of growth in character and experience for the consecrated child of God. When we have trials that interfere with our human desires and appetites, then we know we are His disciples. We are to consider trials [...]

How would you define double-mindedness?

James 1:6-8 and 4:8 tell us:  "One who wavers (hesitates, doubts) is like the billowing surge out at sea, that is blown hither and thither and tossed by the wind.  For truly, let not such a person imagine that he will receive anything (he [...]

How can I find meaning or purpose for my life?

The highest eternal purpose in life is to live for God. Footstep followers of Jesus would have the same purpose he had. “For this purpose I was born, and for this purpose I have come into the world--to give testimony for the truth. Everyone [...]

Is it alright to get a spiritual tattoo?

God told Israel in Leviticus 19:28 (ESV), “You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the LORD.” Christians are not under the Law Covenant. Therefore, its commands are not binding for Christians. Yet, it may [...]

What is the definition of gossip according to the Bible?

Proverbs 20:19 & Proverbs 11:13(NIV), “A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid anyone who talks too much…a trustworthy person keeps a secret.” Both scriptures define gossip as a betrayal of a confidence. When people spread secrets (whether true or false), they are engaging in [...]

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