What happens to the holy spirit when you die?

Not everyone has the holy spirit, but only those whom God is calling out to be a people for His name (Acts 15:14). So, let us address the question: “If someone is begotten of God's holy spirit, then what happens to the holy spirit [...]

How do you know when the anointing of God is upon you?

There are likely as many proofs of spirit begettal or of God’s anointing as there are people experiencing it.  To some, the Lord may show His approval through answered prayer.  Others may experience peculiar incidents that demonstrate clearly that God is now dealing with them [...]

After we go to heaven, what do we do in heaven?

Heaven is a promise to those who are part of the body of Christ. It is a reward for faithful Christians who gave their hearts, wills and beings to the Lord, followed Jesus on the narrow way of self-denial and sacrifice, and stayed faithful [...]

What is the meaning of the mercy seat ?

The Ark of the Covenant or "Ark of the Testimony" was the only article of furniture in the Most Holy. (Hebrews 9:2-4) The word testimony suggests that it illustrated Jehovah's plan. It represented the eternal purpose of God--his foreordained arrangement of grace for mankind in the [...]

As Christians, are we chosen or elected?

"Elect" is often used to refer to God's people. It is translated from the Greek word “eklektos” and means "picked out, chosen." Different Bible verses translate “eklektos” as chosen (Matthew 22:14) or elect (Matthew 24:22) depending on the context. So, Christians are both chosen [...]

How can I know which church is following the Holy Bible 100%?

It is probably safe to say that NO church follows the Holy Bible 100%. Just as no man is perfect, no church (comprised of men) is perfect.  However, various denominations have varying degrees of deviation from scripture. Some doctrines taught by some churches are blatantly in contrast to [...]

Are there any apostles and prophets in the church today?

Jesus "called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles."  (Luke 6:13, NIV, italics added) The English word apostle comes from the Greek apostolos, meaning "one sent forth.”  Jesus chose twelve who would carefully study His character, His teachings, [...]

What is The Church?

“The Church is the pillar and ground of the Truth.” 1 Timothy 3:15 The Church is spoken of as the Bride of Christ, in a formative or developing state, His espoused. Each one who makes a full consecration of himself to the Lord, trusting [...]

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