Does God exist?

This question may be on the minds of a lot of people these days. Looking at the trouble that is happening around the world makes people ask “if God exists, why would he let this happen? If God exists, why is he so quiet?” [...]

Who made God?

It may be hard to understand, but nobody made God. If there was an answer to “who made God,” the next logical question would be “then who made the entity that made God?” This could be a never-ending cycle. Our understanding of the nature of [...]

If God loved us then why are we not we perfect?

God did create a perfect earth and a perfect human family to enjoy it! In Genesis, we are told that after God created Adam, He pronounced His creation “very good.”  Adam was indeed a perfect man living in a perfect home. But Adam’s free [...]

How old is the earth?

We know from biblical chronology that Adam was created approximately 6,000 years ago. Therefore, the earth would have to be older than 6,000 years. In fact, we believe that the earth is very old. Scientists used to think the earth was about 100 million years old. They [...]

Did God create Satan?

Yes. Originally, as God created him, he was holy, pure, grand of character and of a high order of angelic nature, a "covering cherub" (Ezekiel 28:16). His name was Lucifer, meaning "Day Star." According to the Bible, of his own free will, he became Satan, meaning adversary or [...]

It is claimed by scientists that the motion of the earth upon its axis has not varied a second for thousands of years. In view of this, how shall we account for the statement of Joshua 10:13, "The sun and moon stood still and the sun hasted not to go down about a whole day"?

A critical examination of this passage in the Hebrew language in which the Old Testament was written discloses the fact that Joshua never requested the Lord to cause the sun and moon to stand still. His request was that the sunlight and the moonlight [...]

Are there not remains of buried cities in Egypt containing evidence, pictorial drawings, hieroglyphics, etc., which antiquarians are in general agreed evidence a civilized, prosperous, and opulent people living about 7,000 years before the Christian era?

It is passing strange that antiquarians which acknowledging the skill, ingenuity and wisdom of the ancients, evidencing a degree of civilization far in advance of any other prior to that of the present day, persist in calling the earlier peoples of the earth, "barbarous" [...]

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