How many will make it through the last days?

“The earth abideth forever,” Ecclesiastes 1:4. From this we know that the literal earth is never going to be destroyed.   “There shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts (plans).”  II Peter 3:3  This verse informs us that there [...]

Why did Jesus cry, "My God, my God," at the cross of Calvary?

The words, “my God, my God” (Matthew 27:46) reveal Jesus’ thoughts and feelings while he hung on the cross. Throughout his earthly life, Jesus was constantly in communion with God and was renewed in strength and love thereby. However, part of Jesus’ sacrificial experiences as [...]

Please explain Psalm 149:1-9.

Psalm 149 consists of two themes.  In the first half of the Psalm, the songwriter sings a song of praise to the Lord, a song of rejoicing which included musical instruments and dance. The praise reinforces the promise of hope and salvation from God.  [...]

Please briefly explain Revelation 13:8.

Revelation is a book of symbols - some of which are identified in scripture, and others are left for us to interpret. Here are the main points. The context of Revelation 13:8 begins in verse 1, where the beast, having seven heads, ten horns [...]

When will everything come to fruition?

Let’s look at scripture starting in Daniel 12th chapter.  This entire chapter is ripe with insights into God’s plan, but for now we will focus on some very clear statements in Daniel 12:4  “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the [...]

How will I know of the second coming of Jesus?

In the “Lord’s Great Prophesy” of Matthew 24 & Luke 21, our Lord outlined both the historical events that would lead up to his return as well as the signs that would indicate he was here. He also referred to the book of Daniel [...]

Who are the beasts of Revelation 13?

To understand the book of Revelation you need to be very familiar with the books of Daniel and Ezekiel. Daniel shows us that empires or civil powers are pictured as beasts. Daniel 7:17,  “These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall [...]

What is the definition of gossip according to the Bible?

Proverbs 20:19 & Proverbs 11:13(NIV), “A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid anyone who talks too much…a trustworthy person keeps a secret.” Both scriptures define gossip as a betrayal of a confidence. When people spread secrets (whether true or false), they are engaging in [...]

What are the end times?

The end times are what Daniel calls the “time of the end” in Daniel 12:4. New Living Translation: “But you, Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal up the book until the time of the end, when many will rush here and there, and [...]

What is the early and latter rain in James 5:7?

There is a rainy season in Israel. The rains begin in October and gradually become heavier throughout winter until they diminish around March/April. The first rain of the season is called the Yoreh, or early rain. This rain softens the soil and signals the [...]

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