Who are the four horns?

We will assume that you are referring to Zech 1:18-21. Zech 1:18-21  "Then lifted I up mine eyes, and saw, and behold four horns. And I said unto the angel that talked with me, What be these? And he answered me, These are the horns which [...]

Will the world end in 2017?

Honestly, although we have heard of many dates predicting the end of this present evil world, we had not heard of this particular one, so we looked on the Internet and found out where it came from. It comes from the “Sword of God Brotherhood.” [...]

When will the world come to an end?

According to the Scriptures the term "world" signifies age or dispensation. Three great worlds are outlined in the Divine Plan of the Ages, as revealed in the Bible. (See `2 Pet. 3:5-13`.) The first "world" or dispensation passed away at the time of the [...]

Will you kindly explain the seemingly harsh Bible statement, the expression of the Savior, as given in the `24th chapter of Matthew, the 19th verse`– “And woe be unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days?”

This expression is a portion of our Lord's great prophecy relating to events and conditions that would develop in the last days of the Christian dispensation. As with all prophetic expressions it is in highly figurative language. The clue to the understanding of this [...]

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