What is the significance of Jesus turning water into wine ?

The miracle of turning water into wine, found in John 2:1-11, is the first recorded miracle of Jesus' public ministry.  It occurred while Jesus and his disciples were attending the wedding in Cana on the third day of the celebration. Apparently, Jesus’ mother, Mary, had a close [...]

Apart from dreams, how can I see a vision?

Visions from God in the Bible were only for very special events.There are three words translated “visions” in the New Testament.1) The Greek word horama, which means something gazed at, a spectacle or vision, is used twelve times.The first time is in connection with [...]

Did and does Jesus heal everyone who asks Him?

It appears Jesus did heal everyone who asked, and even several who did not, but WHY?  The New Testament gives us many examples of Jesus and the apostles healing others. When Jesus healed, he did so for those both with and without faith.  The Roman centurion asked for his [...]

I keep having dreams that come true at times. It is like I have already lived it. I can wake up and tell the whole dream like who was in it, what they had on and what they said. Is that a gift from God and does the Bible speaks of such dreams?

God has used dreams in the past to give a message of prophecy as He deemed necessary. Let’s examine some of the most notable.Starting with Joseph the son of Jacob, Joseph started receiving prophetic dreams when he was young. His first was of sheaves [...]

Which scriptures pertain to intoxicating wine versus non-intoxicating wine (sweet wine or grape juice)? What is the difference between old and new wine? In Regard to the miracle that Jesus performed in Cana, what is the difference between the "best" wine that was served at the end and the inferior wine that was served earlier?

The difference between old and new wine is based on fermentation. Old wine is fermented and has an alcoholic content. The new wine mentioned in the Bible is usually grape juice and has no alcoholic content.The word “wine” is mentioned 231 times in the [...]

Can the dead talk to the living?

The Scriptures unmistakably teach that the dead are unconscious in the tomb and will not be awakened until the resurrection morning. The Bible explains about fallen angels - demons - who left their former habitation in heaven, and went contrary to the Divine will, [...]

If the dead are asleep in the graves awaiting the time of the resurrection at the second coming of our Lord, when all who are in their graves shall be awakened and shall come forth, as the Scriptures affirm; how shall we understand the experiences of some who, at the time of their departure from this life, see heavenly visions of angels, and hear strains of celestial music?

The Scriptures are clear that the dead are "asleep" "in their graves" and "the dead know not anything," “for there is neither wisdom, nor device, nor knowledge in the grave whither thou goest,” and that all will remain in this sleep of death until [...]

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