Can culture and gospel go together?

James 4:4:  "… know ye not that the friendship of the world (culture) is enmity with God (gospel)?  Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God."   This shows that there is a difference between the standards and practices [...]

What is backsliding? And how can a person recover?

To backslide, according to Merriam-Webster, is "to lapse morally or in the practice of religion." Backsliding may mean that we now spend less time studying God's Word or praying.  It may mean we meet less often with brothers and sisters in the Lord, or [...]

Why are we here? And what does it matter?

At some time in each of our lives, we struggle with these fundamental questions; 'Why are we here?'  'What does it matter?'  When God created Adam and Eve, he set in motion the creation of the entire human race.  Generation after generation of human [...]

Why Does Paul Have Timothy Circumcised? (Acts 16:3)

Acts 16:1-3  (Phillip Translation)  “Paul also went to Derbe and Lystra.  At Lystra there was a disciple by the name of Timothy whose mother was a Jewish Christian, though his father was a Greek.  Timothy was held in high regard by the brothers at [...]

What is the meaning of Beulah land?

The word Beulah is only mentioned in the Bible once in Isaiah 62:4.  In context, Isaiah 62 is a prophecy about Israel and a future time when Israel will be restored to a position of honor in God’s sight and for the nations to [...]

Why does God call busy Men?

Just as earthly bosses desire hard working men and women as employees, so does God. When searching for the twelve apostles, Jesus did not call idle men, but working fishermen (Mat. 4:17-18) and others whom he knew had the willingness and ability to serve [...]

How do we get chapters and verses in the Bible and why?

The books of the Bible were originally written as solid texts with no divisions such as chapters and verses. In the early 13th century, French professor Stephen Langton (who later became archbishop of Canterbury) decided to break down the Scriptures into chapters to make [...]

How do you witness to a Jehovah witness?

How do we witness to anyone? “Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances.” Proverbs 25:11. This scripture means when a person has a need or a question, at that moment he might be open to receiving [...]

Is John the Baptist Elijah?

We will answer this thought-provoking question by explaining the Scriptures that deal directly with your question. First, John 1:21 "And they asked him…Are you Elias? And he said, I am not."   John the Baptist was not in a literal way Elijah returned in body [...]

What constitutes the National Sunday Law?

The purpose of Bible FAQ is to answer questions about the Bible and about how to live according to Biblical guidelines. Since the National Sunday Law  is not found in the Bible, but seems to be a political question, I would encourage you to [...]

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