Ap Paul claimed to be an Apostle, specially called of God, who saw Jesus, and that the choice of Matthias to be the successor of Judas, by the Eleven, was before the descent of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, are we to consider him (Paul) as the successor of Judas, remembering that there were to be but twelve Apostles, and that Matthias was not afterward heard of?

It is evident from the Scriptural account that the Eleven were acting without due warrant and authority in selecting Matthias to be the successor of Judas. They had been instructed to tarry at Jerusalem and wait for enduement from on high by the Holy [...]

What is life?

To live is to possess sentient being; to be capable of consciousness, joy or sorrow, pleasure or pain. Life, in its highest sense, is known as immortality. Immortality signifies inherent life, a life not sustained by outside supplies, conditions or influence, but life possessed [...]

The Scripture reads: "And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness," Genesis 1:26. Does this mean physically, with all facial and bodily variations we see in people today, or is the "soul" "the image of God" and uniform in all people? Or what is the meaning of this Scripture?

The "image of God" does not mean physical shape because "God is a spirit" (John 4:24) and man is human. Nor does it mean the "soul." Man is a soul - he does not have a soul. Genesis 2:7 (KJV), "And the LORD God formed [...]

"In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord. And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of Hosts in the land of Egypt." (Isaiah 19:19,20) What may we understand by this scripture? (The Great Pyramid)

There is but one structure in all the earth that could by any possibility fulfill the requirements of the text, and that is the Great Pyramid in Egypt. The whole of northern Egypt forms a sector shaped country the center of which is marked [...]

Does God give orders for the weather every day?

No; nor does He every day order the stars in their courses, nor the earthquakes, famines and pestilences. At the present time, because of sin, the entire course of nature is permitted to be out of joint, so far as this earth is concerned. [...]

What is meant by the term “Doomsday?”

It is that last dreadful day in the which (according to the antiquated theories of an obsolete theological formation) the Lord will return to the earth, and take His seat upon a great white throne, and then all nations will be gathered before Him, [...]

Were the dinosaurs still in existence at the time of Adam's creation and, if so, were they destroyed in the Flood of Noah's day? Which epoch or "day" did the dinosaurs appeared on the earth. Apparently, we alleged that they appeared on the fourth day.

First, we need to make a correction. If we said that it was the fourth day when the dinosaurs roamed the earth, we were incorrect.  We should have said the fifth day, which is in keeping with the Genesis account (Genesis 1:20-23). In regard to [...]

In 2 Kings 20:11, we read that Isaiah the Prophet cried unto the Lord; and He brought the shadow of the sun ten degrees backwards, by which it had gone down on the dial of Ahaz. Does this record teach that the Lord reversed the motion of the earth upon its axis?

The possibility of such a miracle has been questioned by many, who have insisted that it would involve not only stoppage of the motion of the earth upon its axis, but an impossible retrograde movement, to be accomplished in a moment of time. However, [...]

Please explain 2 Pet. 3:16: “As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other Scriptures, unto their own destruction.”

From the reading of this chapter, it is evident that "these things," referred to by the Apostle, are the things relating to the three worlds and the three heavens of which he was writing. In `2 Cor. 12:1-4`, the Apostle Paul relates how that [...]

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