How should a Christian respond to childlessness?

This is a very heartbreaking situation, which grieves our souls. Jesus, Himself, sacrificed marriage and children in order to fulfill His ministry. God’s will for Jesus was to die as the ransom price for Adam. He was to remain unmarried without natural children. Surely, [...]

Why was the temple destroyed by the Romans?

The Romans vengefully destroyed the temple in 70 AD to put down three rebellious Jewish factions. They burned it perhaps accidentally.  But the fire melted much of the gold in the temple which then seeped between the stones. Hence, to retrieve the gold, the soldiers [...]

Should a woman chastise a man?

If by chastise, punishment is meant, the simple and blunt answer is No! We are not to chastise our brethren since we are not their parent. Only the Lord, our mutual Father, has the right and responsibility to chastise a brother or a sister. [...]

Is God the killer of His creation (us) or is Satan?

When God created Adam and Eve, they were perfect. God declared that their creation was “very good”. (Genesis 1:27, 31.) They were placed in the Garden of Eden where the living conditions were perfect and everything necessary to sustain their lives was provided. God [...]

Why was Saul jealous of David?

God chose the strong, capable Saul as Israel’s first king. Saul began his reign humbly and reverently.   However, over time, King Saul put his desires before God’s will and over Israel’s well-being. Saul’s reverence for God gradually diminished.Once, Saul was instructed to wait seven days [...]

An acquaintance believes salvation is through belief in Jesus. But he also thinks a person will have a second opportunity to believe in heaven. He believes God wants to save everyone. I believe people must be saved now in order to go to heaven.

In Matthew 19:17-30, Jesus instructed that to be “saved” we need to give up our earthly possessions and follow him.  Following Jesus requires the sacrifice not only of earthly things but of our wills to obey God’s will. A heavenly resurrection is a reward [...]

How do faith and forgiveness work together?

Summary: Forgiveness is dependent upon our faith in God’s word.  A Christian embraces the truths in God’s word. We remember, “without faith it is impossible to please God,” (Hebrews 11:1). Consequently, we study the Bible, have faith in the scriptures, and apply it. In [...]

What does the Bible say about procrastination?

Procrastination and laziness can be related. When people procrastinate their responsibilities, there is a tendency to choose pleasure (television, naps, etc.) over work. King Solomon addressed this issue in Proverbs 6:6-11 (NIV).  “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!  [...]

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