What is the Mass?

Christ's continual sacrifice was not actually canceled or abolished by Papacy, but it was set aside by a false doctrine - which completely set aside the merit of Christ's sacrifice as a continual and ever-efficacious one. This false doctrine is known as the Mass, or Sacrifice of the [...]

In Genesis 1:1, is God plural?

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 The word “God” in this verse is the Hebrew word, ‘elohim. The greatly respected Bible translator Jospeh Bryant Rotherham has the following comment in The Emphasized Bible: “It should be carefully observed [...]

We are not to judge others. However how do you not judge a person who has committed a horrific crime by todays standards, such as child rape, murder, torture? How do I have compassion for such an evil, wicked soul, and share a dinner table with such a soul? Am I supposed to?

Matthew 7:1-2 (NIV), “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged…” Luke 6:37, “Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and [...]

What are the 4 winds mentioned in Revelation 7:1?

Jesus shared His revelation vision with the Apostle John so that John could share that message with the church. Revelation 2:7, “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.”  Chapters 2 and 3 describe the seven churches (seven historical periods [...]

I am a Christian, so can I marry a Hindu girl?

When a Christian and a non-Christian marry, that couple is considered unequally yoked. 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 (NIV) advises, “do not be yoked together with unbelievers.” Deuteronomy 22:10 tells us, “Do not plow with an ox and a donkey yoked together."  A yoke is a wooden [...]

Please briefly explain Revelation 13:8.

Revelation is a book of symbols - some of which are identified in scripture, and others are left for us to interpret. Here are the main points. The context of Revelation 13:8 begins in verse 1, where the beast, having seven heads, ten horns [...]

What is a Christian?

Scriptures are quoted from the New International Version Bible. Today the term “Christian” is typically used to name a person who is a believer in Jesus Christ, usually in the sense of distinguishing that person from people of other religions.  However, the true meaning [...]

How should believers view the Mosaic Law?

Believers in Jesus understand that the Mosaic Law was given by God to His chosen people. It was as a sacred covenant between God and Israel designed to teach righteousness. Galatians 3:19 says “Wherefore then serves the law?  It was added because of transgressions.” [...]

Did the Muslims come from Abraham's first son Ishmael?

No, the Muslims are followers of the prophet Mohammed. Islam is the religion based on Mohammed’s teachings and Muslims are the members of that religion. However, Abraham’s first son, Ishmael, was the grandfather of some of the Arabs. When Abraham sent Hagar and Ishmael [...]

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