After we go to heaven, what do we do in heaven?

Heaven is a promise to those who are part of the body of Christ. It is a reward for faithful Christians who gave their hearts, wills and beings to the Lord, followed Jesus on the narrow way of self-denial and sacrifice, and stayed faithful [...]

Why did Jesus curse the fig tree?

Jesus preached using many parables - stories which illustrate spiritual ideas or prophecies. When Jesus cursed the fig tree a few days before his crucifixion, he was acting out a message He had been proclaiming. Essentially, he was illustrating that because the nation of [...]

How will I know of the second coming of Jesus?

In the “Lord’s Great Prophesy” of Matthew 24 & Luke 21, our Lord outlined both the historical events that would lead up to his return as well as the signs that would indicate he was here. He also referred to the book of Daniel [...]

Why does God need us ?

God does not really need us as He is self-sufficient, complete, almighty and perfect. Complete perfection could be likened to a circle, having no beginning and no end. Therefore, a perfect being like God does not need anything or anyone. On the other hand, [...]

What is the meaning of the mercy seat ?

The Ark of the Covenant or "Ark of the Testimony" was the only article of furniture in the Most Holy. (Hebrews 9:2-4) The word testimony suggests that it illustrated Jehovah's plan. It represented the eternal purpose of God--his foreordained arrangement of grace for mankind in the [...]

How did Jesus' mother Mary become God?

Mary, the mother of Jesus, never became God and she never will be Him. So, who is God? God is the creator of the universe, and His name is Jehovah, “That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the Most [...]

Has the Ark of the Covenant been found?

Purpose of the Ark of the Covenant. Exodus 25:22 “And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which are upon the ark of the testimony…” This is where Israel would [...]

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