How many times a day should we pray?

The Bible mentions no set times to pray or how often. When our Lord needed to choose his apostles, he prayed all night. (Luke 6:12  “he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.” ) So when [...]

Is there a Christian pattern for prayer?

Prayer is one of the greatest privileges God has given His children. Prayer gives us communion with our Heavenly Father, through His Son Jesus. It provides us with spiritual strength and wisdom. Prayer is not only a privilege, but essential to our Christian growth. [...]

Can you explain the meaning of the prayer of the Lord?

This beautiful, well-known prayer gives words to the sentiments of our hearts. Just before the prayer, in Matthew 6:7, 8 (NASB), Jesus says, "And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetitions as the Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be [...]

Besides God and Jesus, who else should we pray to?

Let's first look at some instances in the Bible where a person tried to worship a being other than God or Jesus.  (All references are to the New International Version Bible.) While receiving the Revelation of Jesus Christ on the Isle of Patmos, the [...]

How would you help someone lacking faith?

My first response to your question is that I would pray, asking God to make things clear to me regarding His will in the matter. And then, I would watch the surrounding circumstances to see how God is overruling. The apostle Paul gave instructions [...]

How do I prevent immoral thoughts against God?

Even though all kinds of sinful thoughts may pass through our brains, it is our Christian duty not to entertain them because sinful thoughts soon become sinful deeds.  When you recognize a sinful thought against God, you must immediately ask for His forgiveness and [...]

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