Why do people die? (Canada)

Very simply, as Adam’s children, we inherit death in our bodies. We are born sinners. “Look, I was guilty of sin from birth, a sinner the moment my mother conceived me.” Psalm 51:5 (NET) Adam could have lived forever, but as we know, he [...]

Do the Scriptures tell us where God is and what He is doing? Does He hear the pleadings of the multitude of His creation? I ask this because it is so easy to be lost in the vastness of the entire universe. (Philippines)

King Solomon, while dedicating the Temple, considered the greatness of God. 1 Kings 8:27, “But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain You. How much less this temple which I have built!” God’s greatness is [...]

How do you cleanse your heart from all evil thoughts?

This is a lifelong struggle. Evil thoughts come from the world when we see people hurting others, or in unholy shows, movies, magazines, sexual displays, etc. Popular songs present evil as good. Our own fallen flesh tempts us with evil. Finally, the devil seeks [...]

Before you have GOD'S blessings, must you suffer first?

Ever since Adam’s disobedience in the Garden of Eden, man has suffered. The sentence of death involved the whole dying process including pain in childbirth, and heavy labor to provide food and life’s necessities.  All people have experienced death and suffering. Even Jesus, God’s [...]

Why does not God take away Satan's powers?

God can only choose the wisest and best plan for eternity. The principles of right and wrong (good and evil) will always exist. God created the angels and man with the freedom to choose between right and wrong.  Angels were made to live in [...]

Does God forgive repetitive and willful sins?

Most of our sins are repetitive. What unique sin have you committed recently? We all tend to repeat sins, because we are born imperfect and have inherited weak, sinful tendencies. (Psalm 51:5) Some struggle with anger, others with selfishness, others are lustful. This is [...]

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