Why was it important for Jesus to be baptized?

Jesus’ baptism was important because it was an outward sign or symbol of Jesus’ complete dedication of his life to do God’s will. Jesus’ baptism differed from the other baptisms performed by John the Baptist. We are told John baptized others with water for the purpose [...]

How much must one forsake to follow the Lord?

When the ruler asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, Jesus replied that he must forsake all to follow after Him (Luke 18:18-30). If truly following after the Lord, we should consider all our time, talent, money, influence, etc…as belonging to [...]

Is God calling me?

“The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints.” Eph. 1:18.   If you are truly looking to follow Jesus and serve God, [...]

Is baby dedication the same as baby baptism?

If we look at Scriptures relating to both ideas, we trust it will provide the answer. What does the Bible say about baby dedication? Exodus 13:2, "Sanctify unto me all the firstborn,"  and verse 18, "the firstborn males shall be the Lord's."   The firstborn [...]

What is the difference between water and spiritual baptism?

Baptism is an outward expression of a person surrendering his will to the Lord. Spiritual baptism refers to the inward decision to surrender that will, and thus become a part of the body of Christ, receiving the holy spirit.  Although the phrase "spiritual baptism" does not [...]

Why did the Lord let Satan put Job into temptation?

Job suffered the loss of his temporal things, his children, and his health, in that order. His experiences involved extreme suffering during which his wife and his friends condemned him. He was alone in his agony. His temptation was to demand of God a reason for his experiences. [...]

What do you think about the term "born again Christians"?

We believe the term “born again” (Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance #1080) is not necessarily a correct translation in every scripture. For example, in the context of John 3:1-13, verse 3, “born again” should be translated “begotten,” meaning conception, not birth, since one’s spirit birth (in heaven) will [...]

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