What is your answer for the controversial ending of the book of Mark 16:9-20? The NKJV Bible says the longer ending of this book is original but the NIV Bible says no. Is it because of the different manuscripts? Because NKJV uses Textus Receptus manuscripts and NIV uses Sinaiticus manuscripts.

The ending verses of Mark, verses 16:9-20, were added. When you look at the Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus (biblical manuscripts dating back to 320-400 AD), it appears Mark stopped mid-sentence. Thus the end of this Gospel seems to be lost. Additionally, no early [...]

Why did God allow so many prophets to have multiple wives?

Yes, some Old Testament prophets did have multiple wives. In Abraham’s case, God used Abraham’s marriage situation to illustrate two covenants. Galatians 4:22-26, 3:29 (NIV), “For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by the slave woman and the other by the free [...]

Why was Saul jealous of David?

God chose the strong, capable Saul as Israel’s first king. Saul began his reign humbly and reverently.   However, over time, King Saul put his desires before God’s will and over Israel’s well-being. Saul’s reverence for God gradually diminished.Once, Saul was instructed to wait seven days [...]

What are Ancient Manuscripts? and why are they important?

Ancient manuscripts are texts “written” (Latin: scripta) “by hand” (Latin: manu) that date far back into the past.  Where biblical manuscripts are concerned, ancients manuscripts are very important because the older they are, the closer they tend to be to the original text.  ​ This [...]

Who was Mary Magdalena to Jesus?

Mary Magdalene was a Jewish woman who suffered from demon possession. There are only twelve verses in the Bible, specifically in the Gospels, where Mary Magdalene is mentioned by name. Mark 16:9 (KJV,) "Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, [...]

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