What do I do before I try to understand the Bible?

James 4:8 (NIV), "Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded." When we approach God, we should come with pure, sincere, humble hearts. If we are sinning, we need to "wash," - stop sinning and ask [...]

What is the tree of knowledge?

The Bible does not give us a description of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. However, we do believe it was a literal tree with literal fruit which looked appealing. Genesis 3:6 (NIV), "the fruit of the tree was good for food [...]

Why didn't God send Jesus to other places?

Q) Why didn't God send Jesus to other places? A) The purpose of Jesus ministry was to gather true worshippers of Jehovah from Israel. In Matthew 15:24 (NIV) Jesus said, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.” Jesus’ purpose was not [...]

Explain 5 important factors when translating the Bible.

Five main factors in good Bible Translation are: 1.  Objective.  Integrity requires the translator preserve what the original language says, even when it apparently contradicts his own theological understanding, or that of groups with which he associates or which are funding him. 2.  Ancient [...]

What is 1 Corinthians about?

The Apostle Paul lived a year and a half in Corinth. This letter was written 3 ½ years after he left the city. Corinth was at the center of trade cross-roads and was known for its manufacturing, architecture, painting, and the location of the Greek Olympic [...]

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