How do you know when the anointing of God is upon you?

There are likely as many proofs of spirit begettal or of God’s anointing as there are people experiencing it.  To some, the Lord may show His approval through answered prayer.  Others may experience peculiar incidents that demonstrate clearly that God is now dealing with them [...]

What is the biblical definition of the word LOVE?

There are two different Greek words – agapao and phileo -  meaning love in the New Testament.  In the King James Bible, the word agape is translated as charity or love, whereas phileo carries the thought of brotherly love and affection. Phileo love is [...]

Can mercy overrule judgment?

(Scriptures are quoted from the New International Version Bible.)We read in the Psalms that "righteousness and justice" are the foundation of God's throne (Psalms 89:14 and 97:2).  We know God speaks truth; He is completely impartial; and He does not go back on His [...]

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