Who are the four beasts in Daniel 7:17?

Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and Daniel’s visions all prophecy of the same four, great, Gentile kingdoms which would rule over the geographic area of Israel. However, Daniel 2 looks at these kingdoms from man’s perspective (represented by the metals of gold, silver, bronze, and iron), while [...]

What is the millennium?

Millennium means 1,000. In the Bible, the millennium refers to the 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth. Revelation 20:1-3 (italics added), “And I saw an angel (Jesus) come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in [...]

How can I know the day when we will go to Heaven?

Wouldn’t we all like to know the answer to this? There are certain things God just doesn’t tell us. Not only do we not know the answer, but we are told not to look for the answer. The scriptures are pretty clear. Matthew 24:36 (ESV), [...]

What scriptures point to seven (7) years of tribulation?

Summary: Some Christians believe that Daniel 9:27 refers to a future 7 years of tribulation.  This is a misinterpretation of prophetic scripture.  Instead, Daniel 9:27 refers to the end of meaningful sacrifices under the Jewish law and the desolation of Israel and Jerusalem after [...]

What is the transfiguration about?

The transfiguration can be found in Matthew 17:1-8 and Mark 9:2-8. To summarize, Jesus took his three closest disciples with him to a high mountain. He was transfigured before them: this means that his appearance changed. His face and clothes were shining brightly, and [...]

Please compare Revelation 22:2 with Psalm 1:1-3.

Revelation 22:2 describes “the tree of life” with 12 fruits yielded monthly and with healing leaves.  This scene represents a future time when all mankind will be revived to life because of Jesus’ all-atoning sacrifice.  People, if willing, will grow in righteousness, after they [...]

What is going to happen at the end of the world?

The “…ends of the world…” (1 Corinthians 10:11) is the ending and transitional period of the world as we know it. It is called, “…the great day of Jehovah…” (Zephaniah 1:14 YLT).  The righteous Kingdom of God, under the authority of Christ, will be [...]

What is the book of Obadiah about?

Edom was the name given to Esau, the twin brother of Jacob, after he sold his birthright (Genesis 25:30-34). The name was applied both to the people descended from him and to the country in which they settled (Genesis 36:1; Numbers 20:18-21; Jeremiah 49:17).   The name [...]

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