Why did Jesus select only men to be his apostles?

There are 24 “apostles” listed in the New Testament: 1. Simon Peter (Matthew 10:2, Luke 6:14)2. Andrew, Peter’s brother (Matthew 10:2, Luke 6:14)3. James, son of Zebedee (Matthew 10;2, Luke 6:14)4. John, James’ brother (Matthew 10:2, Luke 6:14)5. Philip (Matthew 10:3, Luke 6:14) 6. Bartholomew, Philip’s [...]

Does the Bible talk about climate change and flooding?

The Bible does indeed talk about climate change. Since Adam’s sin, the earth has been cursed. Genesis 3:17 (NASB), “…Cursed is the ground because of you…”  The climate has gotten worse.  However in Isaiah 35:1,2,6,7, we find a promise of good climate change. When [...]

Matthew 6:19-21. What are the treasures of heaven?

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; [...]

After we go to heaven, what do we do in heaven?

Heaven is a promise to those who are part of the body of Christ. It is a reward for faithful Christians who gave their hearts, wills and beings to the Lord, followed Jesus on the narrow way of self-denial and sacrifice, and stayed faithful [...]

Can you go to heaven without the holy ghost?

Let's define terms. We presume that "heaven: refers to God's abode, and "holy ghost" refers to God's holy spirit and influence working in our lives. In order to get to heaven (to live with God), one must be 'begotten' (or born again) of God's [...]

Will there be women and marriage in heaven?

Will there be marriage in heaven? No. Marriage was instituted by God so that men and women could be companions for each other and create families on earth. Shortly after creating man, God directed mankind to multiply and fill the earth (Gen. 1:28). Having [...]

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